Tuesday, February 1, 2011

She will Never underStand

another song i love from matchbook romance..its like the novel of my life lol

Leave a message on your phone
Just to find out you're not home
Keeping up with you is something i could never do
And I know something's wrong
Cause you've been gone too long
A fucking waste of my time is all that you've become

If I can't be the guy that you've always wanted me to be
If I can't say the words that you always wanted me to say
If I fall in the end, will you be holding on to me?
Because you, you said you'd never leave me

The choice is up to you
To find out what to do
To let it go or keep kicking me to the side
I'm getting tired of your shit
And I can't deal with it
I gave up giving in, and now it's time to say goodbye

If I can't be the guy that you've always wanted me to be
If I can't say the words that you always wanted me to say
If I fall in the end, will you be holding on to me?
Because you, you said you'd never leave me

Stay with me...

If I can't be the guy that you've always wanted me to be
If I can't say the words that you always wanted me to say
If I fall in the end, will you be holding on to me?
Because you, you said you'd never leave
You, you said you'd never leave
You, you said you'd never leave me

heh.. ( =3=)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Best quotes from ex president.... vannakhemm..

Di cilok dr facebook member share.. bkn plagiarism la since dah terang2 bg kat public and xde copyright pn haha sedikit sbanyak ayat2 dr DS Samy Vellu selama 30 tahun jadik presiden MIC. dia py sense of humor mmg humorous..patut di letakkan dalam arkib negara.

DS Samy Vellu finally and officially resigned from his post of the longest MIC President ever live, after leading the party for almost 31 years. The Malaysian Insiders has its story,here. Frankly, I will miss him very much especially for all his funny quotes he made all these years. Like what our Prime Minister said in the 2010 Barisan Nasional Conference, "We will miss DS Samy Vellu because he add a lot of color … sometimes a bit too much color". Therefore, as a token of appreciation, I just wanna share his famous quotes ever made by the one and only, Samy Vellu.

1. Samy Velu quoted on Pos Laju:
"Besoh kirim, hari ini juga sampai" << muahaha iphone 5 pn kalah camni

2. On one TV news when he tried to say he felt very ashamed:
"Ini prekara sangat memalukan saya dan kemaluan saya sangat-sangat la besar"<< promote diri?

3. Samy said in one of his "ceramah":
"Kita akan bina satu jambatan wuntuk worang2 kampong di sini." Then one pakcik asked, "Datuk, sini takde sungai, buat apa bina jambatan?" And Samy gloriously replied, "Kalao takde sungai, kita bina sungai"   << ini yang kite kate menteri berwawasan dan berdedikasi haha

4. Samy's most favourite quote on the news for the decade is this:
"Toll naik sikit, banyak marah saya. You worang ingat semua ini toll saya punyer bapah punya kah!" << hahaha...

5. During water crisis:
"Semua worang diminta jangan membuang aiyerr!" << buang angin xpa..haha

6. On social society's problem:
"Worang2 muda sekarang banyak suka hisap dade" << astaghfirullah.. mujur ade menteri beri kesedaran, dan nasib baek aku x terjebak

7. During blood donation's program at Sungai Siput:
"Marilah kita semua menderma dare"<< err.... klo camni banyak la tempat menderma

8. His welcome speech in most of his functions:
"Selamat datang saudara-mara semua" (It should have been "saudara-saudari")<< yess kami sume saudara mara anda

9. During the height of the Al-Arqam's saga, he said in a press conference:
"Saya gumbira bahawa didapati tiada pemuda MIC terlibat dalam kes Arqam"<< haha kalo ade, jadik arqamjadah

10. At an opening ceremony for a new building:
"Mempersilakan Datin Paduka Rafidah Aziz naik dari pentas wuntuk membuka kain"<< haha sila tepuk tangan!!

And of course the world's greatest joke of all times:
"Bagi saya, ini semua adalah satu pembaziran atas duit rakyat. Kita sepatutnya tidak hantar mereka ke bulan, tapi hantar mereka pegi matahari. Barulah USA, Russia, respect sama kita...."

One of the reporter responded,"Tapi Dato' Seri, matahari kan panas. Macam mana mau pergi sana?"

"Cit! itu pasal la u tara jadi mintri. Saya suda lebey 30 tahun jadi mintri, saya musti ada jalan penyelesaian. Kita jangan pergi siang, manyak panas. kita pigi malam, baru ada sujuuuuuk...... 
<< yeah..matahari malam2 dy padam, bile pagi baru ade letrik haha

There you are ppl. For DS Samy Vellu, we wish you all the best!!
hahahahahaha! Have fun reading it!  - RADZIAH - << thanks for this compilation, bile nak wat album DS Samy Vellu V2?

mmg best jadik menteri..katelah ape pn..janji pandai kona

Monday, January 24, 2011

Matchbook Romance : Singing Bridges (We All Fall)

tringin tol aku nak amek gamba camni hahah
wuuu...sedih..band ni da berpecah da..taun brape tah..lagu dorang sume best! ade makne tersendiri.. banyak gak lagu kejiwangan tapi dorang wat stail emo pastu ade aura2 dark kegothic-kan sket, memang masok ngan jiwa aku a heheh..
papepn kite layan lirik lagu ni dulu ye..
Lirik :

stail x aku wat kat atas ni hehe..copy je padahal..
hermmm....ssh gak nak interpret lagu ni..tp klo aku tgk frust2..best denga lagu ni..kengkadang kena layan gak frust kan..tp siket2 je..xmacho a lame2 heheh
time solo tu mmg layan..so plz plz..klo sape2 leh carikkan tab gitar or bass or drum or sume instrumen , tolong pasing kat aku..kempunan nak men lagu ni do..nak carik sindri xreti..huhu...

band ni mmg memuaskan ati..

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Used : Box Full Of Sharp Objects

Lagu ni da lame da..mase band ni budak2 lg.. tp aku br layan dlm beberape taun lepas hehe mantap lagu ni..klo live performance pn mantap gak.. klo rase nak tido, mmg aku dgr lagu ni la..besok pagi tros bsemangat haha

Lirik y mantap lagu ni :
It's our time to shine through the down
Glorified by what is ours
We've fallen in love
We've fallen in love
It was the best idea I ever had

Today I fell and felt better
Just knowing this matters
I just feel stronger AND SHARPER
Found a box of sharp objects what a beautiful

Found a box of sharp objects what a beautiful THING

Today I fell and felt better
Just knowing this matters
I just feel stronger AND SHARPER
Found a box of sharp objects what a beautiful THING


Do you want a song of glory

It's our time to shine through the down
Glorified by what is ours
We've fallen in love
We've fallen in love
It was the best idea I ever had

Today I fell and felt better
Just knowing this matters
I just feel stronger AND SHARPER
Found a box of sharp objects what a beautiful

Today I fell and felt better
Just knowing this matters
I just feel stronger AND SHARPER
Found a box of sharp objects what a beautiful thing
Found a box of sharp objects what a beautiful thing
Found a box of sharp objects what a beautiful thing

da denga ke lagu ni?klo blom abeskan dlu..xleh denga separuh2! haa..rase2 lagu ni pasal pe?oo asal dgr fall in love je nak kate lagu jiwang kan.. salah la.. lagu ni pasal perasaan beliau yang sgt gumbira bile tubuhkan band ni.. lirik dy simple je..pendek..tapi tu maknenye ringkas dan padat. klo tukang tanda paper SPM tande ni, dpt A+..tu pn klo tukang tande tu aku la haha..
phrase ' a box full of sharp objects ' ni klo ikot pemahaman aku la kan, maklomla lagu2 omputeh camni mmg ske metafora2..so aku rase maksud phrase die tu, idea yang bernas2... xkan dy nak gne ayat idea y bernas kan, xgempak la..lagu da ganas da, xkan nak gune lirik comel2, xngam bro! hehe..
tapi, yang penting, lagu ni memamg berjaya bagi semangat, lagi2 kat jiwa muda untuk start a band. tu pon klo dorang paham la maksud lagu ni. haha.. tapi papepun, sume lagu subjektif, terpulang kat sape2 yang denga nak wat judgement pasal lagu tu..ikot suke la kan.. xde sape nak saman pn klo salah tafsir lagu..

puas ati? chow

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Zaman skang ni, y miskin makin miskin, kaye tindas miskin, y miskin xnak tlg miskin len dptkan better life. So dgn kudrat y kecik ni, pekate we do what we can do best, and I can give you the opportunity to earn some pahala and hoping that we all can get something in return by The Only One..click the link to show your support!

may Allah bLess you..

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2nd Objects : Permission in iFile 1.3.2-2

~~ assalamualaikum

Having trouble editting files or folders using iFile on your iDevice?
you get the error, "requested operation requires superuser privilege"
Well, since you are here, the solution to the problem is :

1 > Install MobileTerminal 472
2 > follow this instructions :

Fabius, on 01 September 2010 - 11:31 PM, said: Crack done on version 1.3.2-2

Fix for "Insufficient Permissions"
Open terminal
Type in "su"
Type in password (alpine, or whatever u changed it to)
Type in "chmod -R 4755 /Applications/iFile.app"

.... Neat huh?